Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Trying To Re Invent The Wheel

Mavis Johnson, so called "Traffic Safety Expert":

At the conference I'm attending there has been a lot of discussion about shared space. It's a European Concept. You remove the signals, lane designations and many of the signs that confuse people, sometimes even the sidewalks, and force everyone to negotiate rather than relying on traffic lights or stop signs."

Huh? What's confusing about traffic signals and stop signs. Seems to me its pretty clear. Red means stop, green means go. A stop sign means you have to stop.

What's confusing about that? This is a case of a so called "expert" dreaming up an idea, or at least considering one that is not needed and has no merit.

It never ceases to amaze me how few traffic accidents there are when you consider the amount of traffic there is on any given day.

I can't speak for elsewhere but I think the drivers in Kelowna are excellent.

Sure there are always a few Yahoos, either testosterone induced or senility impaired individuals who will cause mayhem.

That's always been the case and always will be. Most drivers, I find, are respectful. Almost to a fault. My pet peeve with drivers is the ones that give up their right of way to you, thinking they are being "nice". The result being that no one knows who is going where, when.

Stick to the rules of the road and everyone will be fine. And Mavis, that means don't fix it if it ain't broken.