Wednesday, July 25, 2007

It Looks Like Money Can Buy "Happiness"

L.A. Priest Abuse Cases Settled

This story is an example of what I find really hard to understand. And that is how large monetary settlements can somehow reverse the effects of various forms of systematic abuse.

I have all kinds of sympathy for victims of abuse, whether that be sexual, physical, verbal abuse or the worst of all, Neglect.

But I don't see how suddenly becoming a millionaire solves that problem. But apparantly it must because there are examples of payouts by governments and instituitions to these victims on a regular basis.

And in the case cited, these victims agree to shut up and not press charges if they see the money.

"The archdiocese and its insurers will pay between $600 million and $650 million to about 500 plaintiffs - an average of $1.2 million to $1.3 million per person"

I'm all for punishing the purveyors of abuse and in the Case of the Catholic Church, that means hitting them where it hurts the most, in their Wallets.

But I don't understand people profiting from this abuse. If someone can prove to me that money reverses the emotional effects of abuse them I'm all for it. I have yet to see proof that it does.

It leaves the abuse card open for abuse, that is people claiming abuse where it did not exist for the sole purpose of gaining a monetary windfall.

The same principal applies to the families of the victims of the World Trade Centre Attack. These people reaped rewards in the tens of millions. Like somehow that money was going to bring their loved ones back from the dead.

How does a parent feel when their child dies of cancer and they get nothing? Other than the cause of death, the outcome is the same. What difference does it make how they died?

My idea is to take those huge punishing judgements and lawyer's brewed settlements and put that money where it will do the most good, like education for potential abusers and ongoing treatments for those abused.

Not in a personal bank account. Satisfying someone's need for greed is not going to cure anyone.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Matt Rapley Rocks Canadian Idol

I never liked Matt much, thought he was a bore. But last night Mr. Rapley showed me a side of him I hadn't seen before!

His bluesy/rock rendition of Whipping Post was the best of last night's group. He really sounded like the real deal. Now if only he can get someone to take on his hideous wardrobe.

Other performances:

Jaydee: awful, as usual. Your not suppose to smile through that song dummy.
Dwight: I'd rather listen to nails on a blackboard.
Khalila: Can't remember what she sang, 'nuff said.
Carly: I'm worried about you girl, very worried.
Martha: Really shaky, hope you're still around next week.
Brian: Really good, as usual.
Greg: Pretty boy is nearing the end of his run.
Tara: Nice effort, but it's still country.

Bye Bye Dwight.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Animals are....Animals

Here is the story of a young disturbed man who was arrested for "torturing" a Tortoise. He alledgedly stabbed this poor creature and threw it against a wall. This after he "stole" the critter and thus was also charged with Grand Theft.

I like animals as much as the next person and I too am disturbed by instances of animal abuse.

But let's keep things in perspective.

I wonder how a Lobster feels about a story like the one above. "Wait a second here, we are tossed healthy and alive into a vat of boiling water where we die a miserable death on a regular basis in thousands of restaurants and homes around the world, why is no one being arrested?".

Or how about all the fish being caught on barbed hooks and then whacked over the head by enthusiastic fishermen, then to be held up, often still squirming, displaying the fishermen's pride and their humiliation?

Or how does a heard of cattle feel, when they look in the adjacent pasture and see Flicka enjoying the good life, being groomed and pampered and being ridden on by nubile young human females. While he is enjoying his stud life they are getting a slug in their brains.

They must think: "Where did we go wrong"?

Last night I watched an episode of Planet Earth, you know that nature series hosted by that David Attenborough. The episode was of The Great Plains and toward the end of the show there was a scene of a pride of lions stalking and attacking a young elephant. The elephant was brought down and, while still alive, was ripped asunder.

I wonder if those that whine about cruelty to animals really know what goes on in the real world? I doubt that many animals die a peaceful death, in their sleep, of old age.

Most either starve to death or are eaten by predators. That's the way it is and that's the way it was meant to be.

So when I see people who have set up establishments to care for birds with broken wings or small orphaned creatures or disabled animals of any kind I just shake my head with wonder. Just what are they trying to accomplish? If a bird breaks its wing it is resigned to its fate. Saving it is not going to advance Nature or the Human Race one iota.

I think people who expend this energy defying the natural process need a psychiatrist as much as that goof who "tortured" the Tortoise.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bump the Bumpkins Off Canadian Idol!

You either like country music or you don't. It's a simple as that. 10% of the public listen to country music and little else. 90% of the public hate country music and won't listen to it.

Jaydee Bixby and Tara Oram are the over representers of torch and twang on this year's 2007 Canadian Idol. I say they should have their own Canadian Country Idol and leave the real Idol to the real music.

Last night Jaydee sang some Conway Twitty relic of the past and honestly I thought it was horrendous. I felt sure the judges this time, especially Zack, would finally tear this clown to shreds.

You can imagine my jaw dropping horror when they actually not only praised his performance but proclaimed him the second coming of James Dean bound to save Canadian Music and become an international Superstar.

Are they absolutely crazy? My only hope is knowing that these are the same judges who orgasmed over Montana and Tyler and Liam and we know what happened to them.

Canadian Idol voters: Please send this goofus back to the barn.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Canada's Own Little Vietnam

As usual, the media is making a big production out of any Canadian Death in Afghanistan. Like a soldier's death was any more noteworthy than that of an anonymous cancer victim. You can read about what I think about that subject in my Post on Soldiers, Cops, Firemen and Loggers

They often have an interview with some family member who usually states "At least his/her death was not in vain, he was fighting for freedom and his country".

And I always think to myself "No, he died in vain, for a fruitless purpose with little or no meaning to most Canadians. A waste of a young person's life".

The generals and politicians tell us we are in Afghanistan for two reasons:

1) To prevent the Taliban from reasserting themselves as rulers of this Backward Nation.

2) To prevent Afghanistan becoming a breeding ground for "Terrorists".

What a lot of CRAP.

First of all we have no business interfering in the affairs of another nation, especially when that nation poses no threat to Canada whatsoever.

The Afghan people do not have, never had have and never will have a "free" democratic government. It's just not their style.
The arrogant Western Attitude that what is right for us is right for the rest of the world is what is causing Islamic extremism in the first place.

If the Taliban once again take over as rulers of this pathetic Nation it is only because the Afghan People do not have the will to resist them. And if that's the case then they deserve the Government they get, as we all do.

It should not be up to Canadian Soldiers to determine the Government of Afghanistan, it's up to the Afghan People themselves.

As for "the Terrorists", I think we all know that there are plenty of breeding grounds for these extremists. Whether Afghanistan is one of them or not makes little difference. The "Terrorist" Card is always played when attention is needed. And of course the argument remains that wherever western forces are occupying Islamic Lands, "terrorists" will breed.

Ok now the Real Reasons we are in Afghanistan.

1) Canada wants to be part of the Old Boys Network. Our right wing Prime Minister, Stephen Harper wants to be seen as contributing to The George Bush anti-terrorist/get Bin-Ladin/revenge on the Muslims movement. The only reason we are in Afghanistan or that anyone cares about Afghanistan is because that is the country that housed Bin Laden and that is the place that gave him sanctuary. It's all about revenge for 9/11. At least that's how it started.

2) Stephen Harper wants to appease and please Canada's Military. Canada's armed forces have been neglected and even laughed at for many years now. They were the joke of the western world, relegated to "Peace Keeping", a role for a Soldier that must be excruciatingly humiliating. Now our Military is getting a lot of attention, now they are getting funding, now they are getting sympathy from the media influenced public.

The generals haven't had this much fun since the Korean War, they never want it to end.

And that's the crux of the problem and that is why I am calling this thing in Afghanistan or Own Little Vietnam. No foreign power has ever succeeded in occupying and establishing the government they want in Afghanistan. That won't change just because Canadians are "nice guys".

Our mission in this godforsaken place is useless. And I have to say that your son's and daughters have perished and will continue to perish for artificial causes.

Don't get mad at me, get mad at the Canadian Government. Demand that they withdraw from this stupid, ridiculous and fruitless conflict.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Canadian Idol Fiasco!

My theory on last night's eliminations is that this years crop of "Idols" are so boring that the vote count was way down, therefore allowing a flawed result.

I wasn't terribly shocked that Montana Martin Isles was booted because her vocal performance was very poor this week. But she was a breath of fresh air and she was unpredictable. Too radical for the Canadian Public I can only suppose.

Then one of my picks for the final two, Tyler Mullendore was also booted. Yikes! Ok, this week's performance was not great and that hair flinging was getting to be a bit too much. He was a love him or hate him kind of guy and in this years crop of Mainstream Boredom, Tyler was too much for too many. Sorry to see ya go Bud.

The real shocker, the most unbelievable elimination since this show started was the elimination of Liam Styles Chang. without any doubt the Best Male Singer of this year's crop. Is this an anti-Lucas Rosssi Look backlash? Are the people nuts? Are they going by looks alone? Did they have the sound on their TV's muted?

So what are we left with:

Jaydee Bixby This guy is a walking, talking cartoon character who is only entertaining because of so. Take your lasso and your country hick vibe and go shovel some shit somewhere pal.

Dwight D'Eon A Rocker Wannabe who's crutch guitar couldn't save him from being totally uninspiring. This guy just looks creepy to me, a nice boy trying to be bad.

Khalila Glanville Um, well...sorry I can't remember anything about this person so No Comment.

Mila Miller See above (yawn).

Matt Rapley One word describes Matt: Boring. Matt, go back to your Gospel Choir and quit wasting my time.

Tara Oram Tara's only Saving Grace is that she is a fan of the great Canadian Band Rush. That's hard to believe because she is so totally un-Rush. Another country twanger who has zero stage presence, zero sex appeal and zero talent. 0+0+0=0

Greg Neufeld Ok, I admit there is some talent here but guess what, he bores me to death. This kid needs a makeover to get rid of his goody goody nice boy next door looks. There is nothing unique about this person so why vote for him?

Martha Joy I like Martha Joy. I wish she'd take a few more risks and get out of the mainstream music. Nice voice, good stage presence. She's no Eva Avila but close.

Brian Melo Easily the Best of the Boys left, now that the two better ones are gone. Brian has to crank up the wow/excitement factor and let the people know he really wants this gig.

Carly Rae Jepsen The absolutely only legitimate contender to the throne. Carly has the whole package and if she doesn't win this thing then this whole idea of Canadian Idol needs to be abolished.

Thankfully Annika Odegard was kicked off. My jaw dropped when the judges praised that mess of a performance she had sitting in front of her piano. I don't think she hit one note properly. It was one of the most amateurish performances in the history of Idol.

Monday, July 09, 2007

The Scam of The Insurance Business

Don't get me wrong, I think ICBC (the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia) is a Godsend and I'll forever be grateful to Dave Barrett who's Government established it in 1973.

Since then, while other parts of the nation were/are getting robbed by private auto insurance conglomerates, we in British Columbia have enjoyed fair rates.

I just got back from re-insuring my 2006 Saturn Vue. We changed our policy slightly and removed the Replacement option which was costing us $180 extra. We kept our deductable at $2500.

Our nice insurance lady told us we could have a $1000 deductable for only $60 more. I said "No Thanks" I'll continue with the $2500.

She couldn't believe my decision. She said "Your not willing to spend $60 to save $1500?"

For a moment I thought about explaining myself but then said "Leave it at $2500". She wasn't finished. She explained that I could have an at fault accident and still have no increase in my insurance premium. I said "No thanks, let's keep it at $2500".

In her mind I was nuts. In my mind I saved $60 but more importantly I prevented ICBC from acquiring $60 for giving me nothing.

Both my wife and I have not had an accident in over 25 years. Luck, fate, or chance has nothing to do with that. It's because we are good drivers, plain and simple.

This particular vehicle gets driven less than 10000km per year. The chances of either of us having an accident in the next year are probably 1 in 100 or less.

Yet the nice insurance lady was talking as if we were definitely going to have an accident. This is where our thinking differed.

Insurance people want to take your money and give you nothing in return. Sure once in a while someone makes a claim and they have to give some of it up. But mostly they get money for nothing.

I don't have any fire and theft insurance on my belongings in my Condo. Why? Because the chance of a fire is so slim that it doesn't merit the $400 the insurance company wants (for giving me nothing).

Think about it. What are the chances of your house burning down? In Kelowna maybe there are 50,000 residences. In a given year how many burn down? One hundred maybe at most? Probably a lot less than that. And half of those burn because of poor maintenance.

So you are giving insurance companies hundreds if not thousands of dollars for the 1 in 500 chance that your house will burn down.

Yeah I know, "peace of mind". I don't advocate an uninsured house. But I am stating that is a scam that preys on our most basic fears. Insurance Companies know that and feed on it. Feed like Pigs at a Trough.

But back to auto insurance. I have no collision insurance on my Beloved Mustang Convertible. So when I get maybe a bit enthusistic in my driving I think a bit. If I crash this car I can't replace it. And you know what? I drive more carefully then.

If everyone's deductable was $2500 or more do you think people would drive more carefully?

My Canadian Idol Predictions

This one's easy. The final two contestants will be Carly Rae Jepsen and Tyler Mullendore.

Both of these two have charisma oozing out of their every orifice. Both can entertain and they are the only two I actually look forward to seeing on stage.

Carly is beyond cute, is an entertaining singer and is not afraid to display a little sex appeal. I'm not sure if Tyler is genuine or if he is putting on a big act. But so far he is playing the role of the arrogant Pop/Rock star brilliantly. And he knows how to sing.

The winner: Carly by a hair.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Blogging Is A Streaky Thing

Nope, not many posts recently. No Time, no inclination. Maybe next week.

My wife and I went to the Canada Day Celebrations here in Kelowna and as expected were met by all kinds of vendors and charities with their hands out wanting money.

Can we not just celebrate or even go for a walk in our parks (which all taxpayers own) without it turning into a money grabbing affair?

The worst of them is "Would you Like To Make a Donation?" No I fucking would not, piss off!