Thursday, February 01, 2007

Who Googled Marg Koetsier?

I have a nifty little counter built into my blog. You might notice the small logo in the top right hand corner: RiteCounter

Basically it counts how many hits each of my Blog Sites has attracted. Not only that, it will say what search keywords led them to my sites.

Much to my surprise, someone Googled Marg Koetsier, a housemate of mine from way back in 1977/78.

Her name was in a post of mine from my Blog, Places I Have Lived, specifically where I described the North Burnaby House I shared with three others, including Marg.

I knew her just a short time. She was going to Simon Fraser University at the time, forget what she was studying.

She was a very athletic and outgoing person, extremely friendly and positive. She was fun to be around.

I wonder if she was Googling herself or maybe an old Boyfriend or acquaintence was wondering what became of her?

Interesting. So whoever was Googling Marg Koetsier drop me a line if you want: