Wednesday, July 25, 2007

It Looks Like Money Can Buy "Happiness"

L.A. Priest Abuse Cases Settled

This story is an example of what I find really hard to understand. And that is how large monetary settlements can somehow reverse the effects of various forms of systematic abuse.

I have all kinds of sympathy for victims of abuse, whether that be sexual, physical, verbal abuse or the worst of all, Neglect.

But I don't see how suddenly becoming a millionaire solves that problem. But apparantly it must because there are examples of payouts by governments and instituitions to these victims on a regular basis.

And in the case cited, these victims agree to shut up and not press charges if they see the money.

"The archdiocese and its insurers will pay between $600 million and $650 million to about 500 plaintiffs - an average of $1.2 million to $1.3 million per person"

I'm all for punishing the purveyors of abuse and in the Case of the Catholic Church, that means hitting them where it hurts the most, in their Wallets.

But I don't understand people profiting from this abuse. If someone can prove to me that money reverses the emotional effects of abuse them I'm all for it. I have yet to see proof that it does.

It leaves the abuse card open for abuse, that is people claiming abuse where it did not exist for the sole purpose of gaining a monetary windfall.

The same principal applies to the families of the victims of the World Trade Centre Attack. These people reaped rewards in the tens of millions. Like somehow that money was going to bring their loved ones back from the dead.

How does a parent feel when their child dies of cancer and they get nothing? Other than the cause of death, the outcome is the same. What difference does it make how they died?

My idea is to take those huge punishing judgements and lawyer's brewed settlements and put that money where it will do the most good, like education for potential abusers and ongoing treatments for those abused.

Not in a personal bank account. Satisfying someone's need for greed is not going to cure anyone.