Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Matt Rapley Rocks Canadian Idol

I never liked Matt much, thought he was a bore. But last night Mr. Rapley showed me a side of him I hadn't seen before!

His bluesy/rock rendition of Whipping Post was the best of last night's group. He really sounded like the real deal. Now if only he can get someone to take on his hideous wardrobe.

Other performances:

Jaydee: awful, as usual. Your not suppose to smile through that song dummy.
Dwight: I'd rather listen to nails on a blackboard.
Khalila: Can't remember what she sang, 'nuff said.
Carly: I'm worried about you girl, very worried.
Martha: Really shaky, hope you're still around next week.
Brian: Really good, as usual.
Greg: Pretty boy is nearing the end of his run.
Tara: Nice effort, but it's still country.

Bye Bye Dwight.