Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Canada's Own Little Vietnam

As usual, the media is making a big production out of any Canadian Death in Afghanistan. Like a soldier's death was any more noteworthy than that of an anonymous cancer victim. You can read about what I think about that subject in my Post on Soldiers, Cops, Firemen and Loggers

They often have an interview with some family member who usually states "At least his/her death was not in vain, he was fighting for freedom and his country".

And I always think to myself "No, he died in vain, for a fruitless purpose with little or no meaning to most Canadians. A waste of a young person's life".

The generals and politicians tell us we are in Afghanistan for two reasons:

1) To prevent the Taliban from reasserting themselves as rulers of this Backward Nation.

2) To prevent Afghanistan becoming a breeding ground for "Terrorists".

What a lot of CRAP.

First of all we have no business interfering in the affairs of another nation, especially when that nation poses no threat to Canada whatsoever.

The Afghan people do not have, never had have and never will have a "free" democratic government. It's just not their style.
The arrogant Western Attitude that what is right for us is right for the rest of the world is what is causing Islamic extremism in the first place.

If the Taliban once again take over as rulers of this pathetic Nation it is only because the Afghan People do not have the will to resist them. And if that's the case then they deserve the Government they get, as we all do.

It should not be up to Canadian Soldiers to determine the Government of Afghanistan, it's up to the Afghan People themselves.

As for "the Terrorists", I think we all know that there are plenty of breeding grounds for these extremists. Whether Afghanistan is one of them or not makes little difference. The "Terrorist" Card is always played when attention is needed. And of course the argument remains that wherever western forces are occupying Islamic Lands, "terrorists" will breed.

Ok now the Real Reasons we are in Afghanistan.

1) Canada wants to be part of the Old Boys Network. Our right wing Prime Minister, Stephen Harper wants to be seen as contributing to The George Bush anti-terrorist/get Bin-Ladin/revenge on the Muslims movement. The only reason we are in Afghanistan or that anyone cares about Afghanistan is because that is the country that housed Bin Laden and that is the place that gave him sanctuary. It's all about revenge for 9/11. At least that's how it started.

2) Stephen Harper wants to appease and please Canada's Military. Canada's armed forces have been neglected and even laughed at for many years now. They were the joke of the western world, relegated to "Peace Keeping", a role for a Soldier that must be excruciatingly humiliating. Now our Military is getting a lot of attention, now they are getting funding, now they are getting sympathy from the media influenced public.

The generals haven't had this much fun since the Korean War, they never want it to end.

And that's the crux of the problem and that is why I am calling this thing in Afghanistan or Own Little Vietnam. No foreign power has ever succeeded in occupying and establishing the government they want in Afghanistan. That won't change just because Canadians are "nice guys".

Our mission in this godforsaken place is useless. And I have to say that your son's and daughters have perished and will continue to perish for artificial causes.

Don't get mad at me, get mad at the Canadian Government. Demand that they withdraw from this stupid, ridiculous and fruitless conflict.