Friday, July 20, 2007

Animals are....Animals

Here is the story of a young disturbed man who was arrested for "torturing" a Tortoise. He alledgedly stabbed this poor creature and threw it against a wall. This after he "stole" the critter and thus was also charged with Grand Theft.

I like animals as much as the next person and I too am disturbed by instances of animal abuse.

But let's keep things in perspective.

I wonder how a Lobster feels about a story like the one above. "Wait a second here, we are tossed healthy and alive into a vat of boiling water where we die a miserable death on a regular basis in thousands of restaurants and homes around the world, why is no one being arrested?".

Or how about all the fish being caught on barbed hooks and then whacked over the head by enthusiastic fishermen, then to be held up, often still squirming, displaying the fishermen's pride and their humiliation?

Or how does a heard of cattle feel, when they look in the adjacent pasture and see Flicka enjoying the good life, being groomed and pampered and being ridden on by nubile young human females. While he is enjoying his stud life they are getting a slug in their brains.

They must think: "Where did we go wrong"?

Last night I watched an episode of Planet Earth, you know that nature series hosted by that David Attenborough. The episode was of The Great Plains and toward the end of the show there was a scene of a pride of lions stalking and attacking a young elephant. The elephant was brought down and, while still alive, was ripped asunder.

I wonder if those that whine about cruelty to animals really know what goes on in the real world? I doubt that many animals die a peaceful death, in their sleep, of old age.

Most either starve to death or are eaten by predators. That's the way it is and that's the way it was meant to be.

So when I see people who have set up establishments to care for birds with broken wings or small orphaned creatures or disabled animals of any kind I just shake my head with wonder. Just what are they trying to accomplish? If a bird breaks its wing it is resigned to its fate. Saving it is not going to advance Nature or the Human Race one iota.

I think people who expend this energy defying the natural process need a psychiatrist as much as that goof who "tortured" the Tortoise.