Friday, May 25, 2007

Anatomy Dissections

Anyone familiar with knows that one of the features of this very clever bookmark sharing client is the ability to randomly access other people's bookmarks.

I do this about every night while sitting on my Laz-Y-Boy watching my Big Screen.

With every click of the mouse appears a web site that someone out there felt was interesting enough to Bookmark.

And a lot of them are interesting. A lot of them have to deal with Geekdom (construction of web sites, CSS, html, xml or whatever) but most are personal sites and blogs that in some way or other peak one's interest.

A lot of them display the capabilities of Web 2.0 and are really clever designs.

But I have to say that this website on Anatomy Dissection has to be one of the most fascinating.

Crystal clear lengthy videos with audio play by play on the dissection of a human cadaver. Freaking wild!