Thursday, May 17, 2007

Melinda Gets Nuked

I've said all along that American Idol is Not a Singing contest.

It's an entertainment contest, based on singing.

That's why the American Public rightfully voted off Melinda Doolittle last night.

Even though she clearly was the best singer I never looked forward to her "act". She is a good but boring singer. She is not all that pleasant to look at. She is predictable and alas, forgettable.

Early on I said Blake Lewis should win this thing and I think that will come true next week.

You don't really need a powerful voice to be a great singer. Blake knows he doesn't have the power so he has to use his finesse. He is a clever singer that uses understated tones which tend to make you listen very carefully to each of his songs.

Blake is a fellow that would greatly benefit from a wardrobe makeover, he looks a bit too much like Beaver Cleaver to me.

I think this guy has massive potential.

Last night they also had last year's second runner up, Yasmin something or other. I didn't like him last year and my feelings haven't changed.

He sang some lame forgettable song and my question is: Who listens to this type of music? What's the target demographic?

I have no idea what genre it is, maybe "Contemporary Boring"?

I sure hope there is a "Rockstar" show this summer, where we can see real musicians singing real songs.