Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Emerging Internet

I've been "on the net" since 1995. I remember buying my first modem which I connected to my "386" machine.

I also remember paying $10.00 for 10 hours of surfing a month! And this was being done on a 28.8 baud (dial up of course) modem!

Needless to say it was a pretty frustrating experience. But it was also fascinating. And it has been fascinating watching the Internet grow. Like watching a child grow up.

Right now, the Internet is in the late "teen" stages. Still growing and developing but with a seemingly real purpose and agenda.

In the last two years, Web 2.0 has developed into a new Internet controlled by the people that use it. This Blog is an example of what is being done right now on the Net.

Despite the desire of Corporate Interests to turn the Net into a big shopping centre, we as individuals have gained the most influence.

Here is a clever video which gives basic examples of what's going on with the net now.