Saturday, June 09, 2007

Best Place on Earth?

Lately I've been noticing these license plates around town. it depicts British Columbia's latest slogan that's been around for a few years, "The Best Place On Earth".

This replaces the old slogan, "Supernatural British Columbia".

Cynics will say it's just government propaganda to brainwash the voting public into accepting BC as a wonderful place (where the Government should be retained), and it may very well be.

But I really believe it's true. I am not an extensive traveller, I've been to Europe and throughout many States, and the normal Tourist Hot Spots of the Caribbean, Mexico and Hawaii (which is the Best Place on Earth for three weeks or less).

But I've never seen anywhere I would rather live than here. Australia and New Zealand I think are really nice and places I would love to visit. But they are so freaking far away and off the beaten path.

Occasionally I like to take the Mustang out for a run down Highway 33 to Rock creek, or Highway 6 from Lumby to Needles, or a trip up the twisty road to Mable Lake.

And sometimes when I do that, when the weather is fine and the traffic light and I'm cruising topless through the hill and mountain forests I wonder: "Where else on this Earth can you do this?

I'm sure there are other places such as in areas of the western US, Scandinavia, other places. But to be able to drive for hours on what seems to be your own personal highway through such beautiful scenery is a pleasure not to be taken for granted.

And it's then that I really believe this IS the best place on earth.

I think that's one reason why the Whiners and Complainers and Blamers really bother me.

There will always be those that really enjoy blaming and whining about the Justice System, the Education System, the Welfare System, the Health Care System, the Government in general, the Police, the liberals, the conservatives, Industry, the NDP, the Bloc Quebecoise, the Feminists, and anyone else they can think of to justify their unhappiness.

This unfortunate Group of Whiners seem unable to see much beyond their own neighborhoods and circle of acquaintances.

They have no idea how fortunate they are to be privileged enough to live in this land, The Best Place On Earth.