Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Conservative Cancer

There is a Cancer in our Society but, thankfully, it's a mild form and can be treated if not entirely cured. It comes and goes in waves of about 10 year cycles.

We in North America are currently in the middle of a pretty intensive outbreak.

But treatments, in the form of logical and sane reason, are beginning to have their affect.

Of course the Cancer I am talking about is "conservatism", a nice euphemism for narrow minded backward thinking based on anger and fear.

Is it just me or does it seem that the wealthier a Society becomes the more conservative they become?

Greed takes over and fear that the wealth accumulated will be taken from them by simple minded "liberals" who have the audacity to want to spread this wealth around a bit.

So they close ranks, draw inward and try their best to preserve the Status Quo at least and at best, to turn back the hands of time to the 50's, the Glorious Decade of rampant conservatism.

Their money and influence are substantial enough to control news agencies, politicians and world events. They are trying their best to control the World Wide Web.

Do I hate or fear these People? Not at all. Because there is one quality that all conservatives have: The unique ability to self-destruct.

As I have stated in a previous Post, I believe the world, by default, is always improving.

We take two steps forward when the liberals have the influence and one step backward when the conservative outbreaks occur.

But overall, we are always moving ahead.

Our Society will never be cured of this disease and some outbreaks will be worse than others. Fear and Hate, the two leading symptoms of this Plague have to be tolerated for these short periods until we, the public, grow weary of them.

I'm pretty confident that the liberal symptoms of Love and Hope will soon predominate once again.