Thursday, June 07, 2007

Thanks For The Comments!

Reena Virk

A couple (so far) of nice people have taken issue with my post: Leave Justice To The Professionals.

So Nice, So Lovely and So Classy!
Thanks for that.

The simple fact is that bad things happen to every family and if they haven't happened yet they are bound to sometime in the future.

Everyone is a "victim" of some kind of perceived injustice at one time or another. I honestly can't see how giving Pratt a 10, 15 or 20 year sentence is going to help the de Patie family, other than to satisfy a need for revenge, which as I have stated before, we can all understand.

So let's take another recent case. Let's examine the case of Reena Virk. The details of which can be found here.

This case dragged on for quite a while, seven years! The Virk Family endured two mistrials until Kelly Ellard was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment.

In this case Reena was murdered in cold blood by individuals who had the sole purpose of causing her grievous bodily harm.

But for me the most outstanding aspect of this case was the reaction of Reena's parents, who frequently were approached by the news media.

If any parents had a right to be bitter and hateful towards the Justice System it was these people. Having to endure the two mistrials and knowing that there young daughter was brutalized and bludgeoned to death by people who actually realised what they were doing to her. People who were tying every legal loophole to be exonerated.

As I recall throughout the trials, the Virks refused to blast our Justice System. They refused to demonstrate hatred towards Kelly Ellard and in fact, forgave her.

I have the utmost admiration for them. They will survive the death of their daughter because of one reason. They learned how to forgive.

I have no pretensions of knowing what the De Patie Family are going through. I hope they can find a way to get past this, I really do.