Saturday, June 09, 2007

Ok So Tell Me What Really Happened

There seems to be a bone of contention about the events that led to Grant De Patie's death.

The media presented the story as a Gas and Dash incident. In my mind that means a driver commences to leave the gas station, putting his car in motion, without paying.

This CBC website states
Last year, a gas station attendant in Maple Ridge was dragged to his death after trying to stop a car that took off without paying.

What is meant by "trying to stop"? To me it means running after the car in motion either trying to get a plate number or trying to physically intercept the vehicle.

Some people say he was backed over deliberately.

Yet in this report "Bernard said the youth veered out of the gas station to get away and hit De Patie". Implying he was moving in a forward direction and the hit on de Patie was not intentional.

So what is it? What really happened? A couple of readers crudely took me to task for writing that De Patie chased after Pratt trying to intercept him after he realised the Gas and Dash incident.

This is an assumption that one would take if one listens to the way it was presented in the media.

This is only important because it leads to my point that employees (unless they are trained security officers) have no business in intercepting or interfering with an illegal activity taking place in their workplace other than to inform those that are trained.

Now, as far as the comments I have received regarding my post Leave Justice To Professionals

It's disappointing to know that people of such low levels of ability are reading it.

When someone stoops to name calling and verbal abuse and veiled threats, all under the safe umbrella of anonymity, it really takes all validity and credibility out of their argument.

If you want to disagree with me, I have no problem with that. But if you are going to present an alternate view please express it like an adult and not a 10 year old.