Newt Gingrich
I just listened to a speech by Newt Gingrich where he expressed his deep concerns and fears about the Terrorist threat and how thousands of Muslims are waking each day with the express desire and hope of destroying the United States of America.
He talked about the recruitment of children and women for suicide attacks. He talked about the threat of a nuclear attack on an American city and he talked about the inside threat of American Citizens whose loyalty resides with Islamic Extremists rather than the United States Constitution.
I believe all these concerns are valid.
But do the Americans ever ask themselves why? Why there is so much hatred directed toward them from these so called Terrorists and their sympathizers?
Hello! You are occupying their countries and their areas of influence.
I wonder how the Americans would react if a foreign power occupied Florida or Alaska.
Don't get me wrong, my loyalties are with the West. I love my hedonistic and superficial lifestyle and I want it intact for the future.
But do the Americans ever try to see both sides of the story? Do they ever look at themselves and questions their tactics regarding their relations with the rest of the world?
Do they ever wonder why they are regarded with contempt by a large portion of the world?
The stock answer is : Because you (other nations) are jealous.
Jealous of what? Many nations are richer than the US. Many nations are "freer". Many nations are healthier. And an awful lot of nations are just plain happier.
Jealous of exactly what? Military strength? Honestly I have no idea.
The kind of rhetoric Mr. Gingrich expresses will only spread fear not only among his fellow Americans but especially among the Islamic community.
A scared person is a dangerous person.
It seems to me the US is doing everything it can to increase tension and confrontation in the Middle East.
Maybe they should try a little cooperation and understanding instead.