Thursday, September 06, 2007

Dennis Miller: The Ugliest American

Dennis Miller became a famous comedian back in the 70's as the wise cracking sarcastic "News Anchor" for Saturday Night Live.

He was a funny man then, wow have times changed.

Mr. Miller was once again on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Why Leno continues to invite this person on his show remains a mystery to me. I guess for equal time purposes, to counter all the bright, happy and funny people he usually has on.

Dennis Miller is a very sad man. This ultra conservative, far right wing neo-Nazi is a hateful, bigoted, racist, war mongering Fear Farmer who takes pleasure in spewing all sorts of spiteful vomit from the hairy blow hole that occupies the space between his closed ears.

The kind of vomit with enough acid content to burn through 3 inches of diamond coated stainless steel.

Still not only defending President Bush but actually still praising him and his stupid illegal war.

If Mr. Miller directed his kind of hate towards the African American as much as he does against the entire Arab and Islamic Community he would have been run out of his own country long ago.

He is a bigot and a racist.

Mr. Miller is a very scared man, it's so sad.

All Americans have felt and still feel the pain of 9/11.

Most have gotten over it and gone on with their lives. Most have come to realize that that Iraq had nothing to do with that event, that Iraq never had "weapons of mass destruction", that the American invasion of Iraq was an unlawful and despicable act against a sovereign nation.

Most have come to realize that the War in Iraq is President Bush's own personal war bent on revenge for daddy.

For Mr. Miller, it comes down to the "Terrorists", it's all about the Terrorists.

News flash for you Dennis, the "Terrorists" won long ago and you are the living proof. If this was 1950 your hero would have been Joe McCarthy and instead of looking under your bed every night for them Arabs, you would have been checking for Communists, "the Goddamn Reds".

Some things never change.

Most pathetically is the fact that you display your fear and hate for the whole world to see. And like me, most are thinking "this is a very sad man" and shake their heads in that realization.

Mr. Miller now makes his money feeding the fear frenzy of the trailer park crowd with his radio spot. God knows what kind of garbage he is producing for those eager yet ignorant minds.

Happily, like most conservatives, his fear overcomes any hint of intellect and its all too apparent to those that watch that show unfold.

I used to get angry at Miller's rantings, now I just get sad.