Monday, September 03, 2007

Senator Craig is Getting the Shaft

I'm no friend of Larry Craig and I'm especially no friend of his Politics. I'm not a fan of Conservative "Family Values" Politicians that want our Society rewound about 50 years.

But I know when someone is getting screwed over and I believe this is one of those times.

Craig was arrested for "lewd conduct". Huh? What lewd conduct? His shoe touched that of another man while in the bathroom stall. Whether intentionally (by either party) or by accident how is that possibly considered lewd?

In the heterosexual world, that's called "flirting".

I agree with Craig that he was entrapped by an overzealous police officer (possibly a gay one?) that wanted to make a name for himself.

I realise Americans see the world a bit differently than us Canadians. I can't imagine any member of any Canadian Police Force wasting his time arresting people for this so-called "lewd behaviour".

They have more important things to do, like handing out speeding tickets.

Craig was railroaded and is now being screwed over.
