Saturday, April 21, 2007

Censorship Raises it Ugly Head Again

A decision by NBC News to air clips from a grim video the network received from the Virginia Tech killer has left the victims' families outraged

And so many news media like the CBC have chosen to cave to this and refuse to show video clips of Cho Seung-Hui tirades.

Since when does public opinion dictate the news? News is news whether you like it or not. If you don't like what you see on the news, turn it off!

This is just another example of a kind of Censorship flourishing in our Western, so called Free, Society.

Thankfully the CTV Network here in Canada has a more enlightened view:

"At CTV News, we believe that censorship is a last resort," Robert Hurst, president of CTV News, told The Canadian Press.

"It's not our job to make a judgement whether it . . . might be bad or it might be good. Our job is to present to Canadians newsworthy materials."

Political Correctness has gotten so out of hand that News Media are worried that the public won't like the News they present. And so they censor it.

The news media also feels that they have the balance tragedy with Fluff. So they have the most boring kinds of "Human Interest" stories, designed to make you feel good and less depressed about the real news.

Friends, reality sometimes sucks. But it is real and has to be dealt with. Isn't it important to find out what made Cho Seung-Hui's scattered mind tick? So we can recognise this kind of behaviour and deal with it in the future?

Why are we censoring the things we need most to know?

People who get offended are those that choose to be offended because it satiates some creepy need they have.

Don't let them control your awareness of the world's events.