Tuesday, April 17, 2007

We Need a "Free Speech" Rating

You know how, for movies, for music and even video games we have ratings for age appropriateness or at least to give a warning about what one might expect from the media being watched or listened to or played.

There is PG, R, NC17, G, A, etc. What we need now is an "FS" rating meaning, of course, Free Speech.

So people can say what they want and what they think without fear of repercussion.

Don Imus was fired recently for stating his view (regardless of what you think of it) about a certain woman's Basketball Team. Don Imus was employed by CBS, part of the huge General Electric Corporation and one that depends on other Corporations to advertise with them. And when the advertisers don't like what they see or hear, they censor the product.

Since CBS employed Don Imus, they had every right to fire him, especially if he overstepped the guidelines which I am sure had been stated for his program.

If Don Imus' program was rated FS maybe the outcome of all this would have been different.

I don't have any issue with the statement Don Imus made because his opinion means nothing to me, I have no regard for it. I honestly don't care what he says. But that's me.

I do have an issue with Censorship which, to me, is the most diabolical crime that is currently infiltrating our society, aided by the right wing lunatics currently leading many western nations.

I think people should be allowed to say whatever they want. So someone chooses to be offended, so what? That's their problem.

How is it that Jay Leno can insinuate the worst deeds and insult almost everyone but, because its "comedy" he can get away with it. Why? Because everyone knows its comedy.

There used to be and maybe there still is "Speaker's Corner" in London's Hyde Park. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this a platform for free speech? Isn't that where anyone could say pretty much anything without punishment?

What happened to that ideal?

What we need is television and radio networks that are rated FS. So a free society can really call themselves free.