Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Lunatic Fringe Will Always Be With Us

There is no doubt that what happened at Virginia Tech on Monday was horrific and shocking.

There are now and will be all kinds of repercussions of how this could have been prevented and how we can prevent further occurrences of this kind.

There will be calls for more security and metal detectors and personality screenings and all kinds of other threats to our civil rights.

The Fear Mongers will have a field day with this one.

I say let it go and move on.

There will always be nut cases that allow their fantasies to control their reality and unleash their rage on others. Every once or twice or thrice a decade one of these freaks of human nature breaks loose and causes Havoc.

It's just the way it is, one can only hope that one is not in their path when that happens.

There is no way to control it, no way to prevent it. It's one of the costs of living.

We don't need more security and we sure don't need any more fear. We just have to move on knowing that, for sure, there will be another similar incident occurring in another few years.