Sunday, April 01, 2007

I Don't Understand The Lottery Mentality

First, I don't buy lottery tickets. Even at $2.00 a pop I think it's a waste of money.

However, my wife does, and if she should happen to win I would gladly help her spend the money.

But at odds of 14 million to one, you might as well toss your Toonie in the Lake and make a wish.

As of this date the jackpot stands at $38,000,000 for the Lotto 649, the major Lotttery in British Columbia and, I assume, in Canada.

This is the thing I just don't get. If no one wins the weekly or twice weekly prize (whatever it is) the money collected gets added to the pot.

There is still one top prize, if you have 5 numbers or 4 numbers, the winnings aren't too great.

Your odds of winning are just as slim: 14 million to one.

Why not make 38 separate winners of $1,000,000 each? It seems to me that would be a much better incentive to buy lottery tickets than the current one.

I certainly would be more inclined to purchase a ticket if I had odds of winning that were 38 times better than the current odds.

But no, the Lottery Marketers have researched the lottery buying customers and they want the Big Money, even though they have no chance of winning it.

I think it's crazy. Whether I win 38 million or 1 million I am going to be a very happy camper. Are we so greedy that 1 million dollars is not good enough?

It just confirms in my mind that 95% of the human race has a serious lack of common sense.