Sunday, August 05, 2007

DVD Review: "300"

I didn't realise that they had Steroids back in Ancient Greece. Amazing. And they must have eaten a lot better too. Everyman a buffed athlete.

This is one of these movies where you are constantly thinking "It's gotta get better soon". You know it has to, it must.

But, alas, it never does.

In short this movie is tediously boring. Hope of a real storyline or twist or some kind of plot gradually fades as one comes to the realization that this movie is just an exercise is Computer Generated Graphics.

Unless you get off on 6 Packs and overwhelming testosterone and mucus-throated shouting this movie is best avoided.

The novelty of the brown and white high contrast photography lasts only so long.

If your going to have graphic violence which justifies an R rating why not go out and show us some REAL graphic violence instead of black splotches of goo flying hither and thither. Ok, so there were a couple of beheadings and leg removals.

We want our blood RED not black!

Waste of time, don't bother.