Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Most Compelling Reason Against The Death Penalty

How many innocent people have been put to death in the United States via their obsolete Justice System?

Read this story of how Steven Truscott has finally been acquitted 48 years later for the rape and murder of a 12 year old girl.

Mr. Truscott was initially sentenced to Hang and spent 4 months on Death Row (this when Canada still had the Barbaric Penalty of Death).

Thankfully sanity prevailed and his death sentence was commuted.

New evidence, based on the latest science, established that a miscarriage of justice had occurred based on lazy and sloppy Police work.

In the US this young man would probably have been killed, like many other innocents have been.

To those that still, against the flow of all advanced nations, still believe there is Justice in legalised killing I say to you: Get a brain and think with it for a change instead of letting your animal reactions control you.

More thoughts on the Death Penalty.

Better to have 100 guilty men set free than to imprison 1 innocent man.