Sunday, March 11, 2007

A Change in my "Best Music List"

I created My List a few years ago and Blogged it last November.

Such a list has no integrity if you are constantly changing your mind and rethinking your considerations.

So it was pretty traumatic for me to substitute one song for another. I was even considering calling it my Top 31 songs to accommodate the change.

The song I've chosen to supplant another is Coming Back To Me.

Unfortunately, that meant eliminating another song and that song was Within You Without You by the Beatles.

Coincidentally, both songs were released in 1967. Now I have no Beatles songs in my top Thirty. But I still consider them the Best Pop band in music history with Lennon/McCartney being the best songwriters ever.

Anyway, this sad but beautiful Marty Balin song is just too sublime to be overlooked.