Friday, March 02, 2007

Sorry Kid, You're Not Really A Hero

It's always bothered me the way the news media throws the word "Hero" around.

Acts of Heroism obviously occur, but they are very rare. The Word and the Act and the real Heroes are being devalued by labelling acts of common sense as Heroic.

If a person is being labeled as a Hero he or she must qualify via the following definition:

A Hero is a Person who chooses to put his personal health and/or welfare at considerable risk in order to significantly benefit another or others who are at risk themselves.

Here are a couple of recent news stories as examples.

Grandfather and 14 yr old Grandson are on a snowmobile when the machine overturns and crashes. Grandad is severely injured with broken ribs and lacerations.

Grandson (who has been taught to drive by Grandad) puts Grandad in the Truck and drives to the nearest house where an ambulance is then called.

Grandson is declared a Hero! With a ceremony and Declarative Plaque. Huh, did I miss something? Why? The kid never put himself at risk, he just used his common sense.

Sorry kid, you're not a hero.

Example two:

Four year old girl sees her mother collapse in an epileptic fit and fall awkwardly. Mom hits her head and is unconscious. Little girl calls 911 and help comes. Proclaimed a hero.

Sorry Kid, You're Not Really A Hero. You're a smart kid and cool under pressure, but you're not a hero.

There are actual stories where a Television Film crew was involved and broadcast on Global TV News.

How do you think a Real hero feels when he sees these stories which devalue his status.

I'm talking about the Fireman who runs into a burning building to save a child? Or the Soldier who ventures into a field of hostile fire to rescue his fallen comrade?

Hero and Miracle may be the two most abused words in the English language.

If you're going to label someone, whether it be a nice label or naughty one, at least please be accurate.

For more on my "thing" with definitions check out this post.