Sunday, January 21, 2007


I just got an email from someone I work with asking for a pledge for some bowling thing with the money going to Big Brothers and Sisters.

No Thanks.

I do not give to charitable causes of any kind.


Because I don't trust charities to spend the money properly (i.e. putting it in their own pockets).

Because Charities have become Big Business with Fund Raisers getting most of the "funds".

Because there are very few really deserving charities.

Because I don't make a lot of money and charity begins at home and, in my case, ends there.

Ok, so I may be greedy and selfish too.

People are usually guilted into giving. I try not to believe in guilt, so that tactic doesn't work on me.

As Polonius said to Laertes: Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

Sorry Charities, please move on.