Sunday, January 14, 2007

John Edwards on Jay Leno

John Edwards recently appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno shortly after he announced he was running as the Democratic Candidate for the 2008 Presidential Election.

He was BAD. I've seen John Edwards on the same show when he was running as Kerry's Vice Presidential Candidate in 2004 and from that appearance I know he can be impressive.

On this occasion, Mr. Edwards appeared tired and worn out, like he hadn't slept in days.

His responsive to political issues was extremely vague and all the tired cliches rose their ugly heads.

A few weeks earlier Barack Obama also was a guest on Jay Leno's show. No comparison, not even close.

I know some people have bad days and maybe the guy didn't have much sleep or was fighting a bug. But if you are going to be on a nationally televised show like the Tonight Show, suck it up and try to be impressive.

Leno asked Edwards if it was a tough decision to run for the Presidency. His response "It was very tough".

Huh? It's pretty clear to me that this person does not really want to run but that he has been pushed to run by "his people".

Even up against a Black Man and a woman (Clinton) this reluctant candidate hasn't got a chance.