Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Is The Fascist Threat in America Real?

In this Post author Gene Callahan writes of his concerns of what he perceives as a rising tide of fascism in his country, the United States.

I've always considered fascism more of an economic system rather than an ideology, much like communism and capitalism are.

Fascism is capitalism on crystal meth while communism is capitalism on Halcion.

Fascism is totalitarian rule for the sole benefit of corporate greed over human compassion. I think Mr. Callahan has a lot of justifiable concerns in his essay.

The good news is that the Bush Gang will be out of office in 2 years time and I have little doubt that the Democrats will gain the Presidency.

My gut feeling is that the American People are finally cluing into what is really being done to their Nation by this creepy little gang of corporate puppets and they are ready to toss them out.

There really is no left wing politics in the US. The Democrats are right wing and the Republicans are even righter than that.

Until the grassroots American people realise the value of a strong left wing opposition their Nation will continue to look for wars and threats and continue to be the target of animosity from the rest of the world.

They will continue to favor corporate interests over that of their citizens and continue to have a vast population uneducated and enslaved in poverty.