Sunday, January 07, 2007

Which Corporations Are Your Puppet Strings Attached To?

Don't Believe in the fact that Corporations, not governments control our lives?

In this humorous but apparently banned video clip produced by SNL you get a jist of what's really happening in our society.

Corporations have cleverly bought up most of the major US media outlets like ABC, CBS and CNN. All these so called "news" outlets now have an agenda, a corporate agenda.

Any news received from these sources are obviously "filtered". Let's call it what it is: censored. I will often access the CNN site not for the news itself but to see how "the news" is presented and what stories are conveniently left out or not elaborated on.

In Canada we have the CBC, a news organisation that still retains some sort of integrity. Let's hope it stays that way.

I am always flabbergasted that a great deal of our population is constantly attacking our governments while The Corporations seem to have free rein on whatever they want to do.