Thursday, January 25, 2007

Consumers and Rebates

Regarding this CBC Website article.

There has been several reports in various media lately about the technique of Consumer Rebates that many stores, especially electronics stores like Future Shop, use.

Rebates from anywhere between $10 and $200 can be had if you go through the process.

For some reason Consumer Advocates think this system is flawed and deceptive. They report that the prices advertised include the rebates and are misleading to the Consumers.

They also say that the process of redeeming the rebates is too complicated and that you might have to wait several weeks to get your money back.

And that if you don't fill out your rebates properly, you might not receive it.

And the most astounding fact, which I find very hard to believe: "Typically, less than 10 per cent of Canadians claim the rebates they are entitled to."

Which means that 90% of the people that have made purchases with available rebates are really, really Stupid.

So here are the facts. A company is offering you, say $100, to purchase their product. All they ask you to do is fill out a simple form (I know it's simple because I've done it several times) and mail it in.

A few weeks later, after you've forgotten all about it, you get a nice check in the mail that you weren't even expecting.

Tell me, what's so hard about that? There is absolutely nothing complicated about the process. So they ask you to do it right. Isn't that a reasonable request?

Over the years I have submitted maybe 15 to 25 rebates and I can't ever remember being cheated on one.

Would you rather pay the full price? If you would rather pay an extra $100 just because you can't be bothered spending 5 minutes to fill out a form and wait a few weeks, then you are one dumb F***.

I can't believe the things people whine about. Even when they are offered money they still cry foul.

People continue to astound me.