Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Definition of War

God how I love this stuff:

"A 'major armed conflict' is the use of armed force between the military forces of two or more governments, or of one government and at least one organized armed group, resulting in the battle-related deaths of at least 1,000 people in any single calendar year and in which the incompatibility concerns control of government and/or territory."

As defined by The Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University.

If you read my previous post Blizzards, Hurricanes and Sluts then you know I love a concrete definition. It doesn't really matter who establishes the definition as long as they've put some thought into it and it can be universally accepted.

I took the quote from a CBC article on the World in Conflict. This Map illustrates the major "conflicts" going on right now.

If you have a sense of history, there isn't really much going on now, relatively speaking.

While some would like us to believe that the world is a terrible place and continue to stir the embers of fear I believe the world is the best it's ever been in every sense.