Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mac vs. PC

I currently own and use two Apple iMacs and two PCs using Windows XP. I think it's safe to say that I am fit to make a proper comparison between the two systems.

Apple has somehow managed, over the years, to establish a phenomenal amount of Brand Loyalty among their customers. Even when they were down and out with what seemed like overpriced and relatively slow computers when compared with Windows based PCs.

I've owned personal computers since 1988 but only purchased my first Mac in 2003 when Apple introduced the 17" flat screen iMac on the swivel head. The design was and still is (it's in my living room) beautifully elegant and functional.

This particular computer is used daily as I surf the Net while watching evening TV. By today's Standards it's not a fast machine. But it has one endearing quality. It's rock solid reliable and stable.

How many times have you had to yank the plug out of your Windows Computers over the years to reset the machines because they just froze up or some other inexplicable occurrence happened which stopped you in your tracks?

For me, too many to count. In the 3.5 years I've owned my iMac I can think of maybe twice.

Its like comparing a Toyota Corolla with a Chevrolet Cavalier. Few things are more comforting than reliability and that's what the Macs offer.

In almost every area: Design, "Coolness" Factor, Ease of Use, Embedded Software, Reliability and now even hardware, the Macs seem superior.

Up until recently the one thing the Macs never could compete with was speed. PC's were always faster.

But that's over now. I have the new iMac with the Core 2 Duo chip by Intel and I can say that this is one speedy machine.

Yes, it cost more than a PC but I got more. I firmly believe you get what you pay for in life and if you want something of quality you have to pay for it.

I still use my Windows Computers. There is some software out there that you have to have and will only run on a Windows machine.

For Gaming, Windows PCs still rule and I think will always rule. Sadly I would never recommend anyone going it alone with just an Apple computer.

In this world a Windows based PC is a necessity, thankfully you can pick one up for a few hundred bucks that will suit most needs.

Yes we can install Windows XP on our Intel based Macs. But do I really want to give Bill Gates $250 so I can run his inferior program on my superior machine?

Hmmm... I have to think about that one.

And finally, who would you rather invite to your party? Bill Gates or Steve Jobs?