Sunday, January 21, 2007

Dieting and Weight Loss

It's amazing to me that so many people have made so much money telling people how to lose weight when, in fact, it's so simple a 5 year old can figure it out.

It's just a matter of counting calories. Just like balancing a ledger but in reverse.

It's so simple. All food items have a calorie index on the label. You just take in less than you burn. Duh? What's so difficult?

I consider myself a pretty average person lifestyle wise. My job forces me into a certain amount of physical exertion and I have been doing some running lately.

I've determined that if I limit my caloric intake to 1700 calories a day I should lose 2 lbs per week.

I came up with these figures myself and they were verified by a site known as My Plate, a web site which can assist dieters by displaying calorie counts and even adding up the calories you've ingested daily.

I started this meal plan January 1st and have lost 8 lbs so far, right on target.

For Breakfast I eat: Trophic Green Concentrate with 6 oz of Organic Apple Juice. I also have two poached eggs.

That adds up to about 250 calories.

I have an apple mid morning: 80 calories, subtotal so far: 370 calories.

For Lunch my wife makes me a large meat and cheese sandwich: 500 calories. Subtotal: 870 calories.

For Dinner I have a mixture of Organic Refried Beans with dry low fat cottage cheese.
Good for 250 calories. Subtotal: 1200 Calories

I have 1 orange at 8 PM each night: 80 calories.

Later in the evening, around 9 PM I make myself a tomato and onion sandwich (300 calories) with an 8 oz. juice drink of Cranberry and Apple Juice, 200 calories.

Total calories consumed is : 1700 Calories.

I eat nothing else but the above, no snacking or nibbling. And because these foods supply all my nutritional needs, I've never felt hungry between meals.

I eat the same thing every day. This meal plan gives me a good balance of protein, fat, carbs and fiber.

In the last 18 months previous to this I believe I was consuming about 2500 to 3500 calories a day simply because I had no idea how many calories I was eating. I ate everything that was offered to me. And I let others control what I ate.

That amount was probably 500 to 1000 calories stored each day, as fat.

I started my new meal plan weighing 192.5 lbs. My Goal obviously is 173 lbs. which would be a healthy weight for a person of my height and build.

In order to maintain that weight once I get there I need to consume about 2000 to 2200 calories per day. Should be no problem, if I continue to count calories.

The secret to maintaining a given calorie level is to eat the same food everyday!
That makes counting calories easy and there is no way you can deviate from your goal.

I hear all this whining about how boring it is to eat the same food.

My philosophy is that food is fuel for your body and should not be a source of pleasure. There are many ways to gain pleasure, food shouldn't be one of them.

Do you want to be at a healthy and good looking weight level or do you want to "enjoy" food? Pick one.

Look for more posts on this subject as my weight loss continues.