Sunday, December 10, 2006


You know by now that I am not afraid to confront controversial issues. In fact I thrive on them because, for me, there is usually a clear vision of where I stand and where everyone else should too (with me).

I like controversy not because I want to stir shit or because I want to convert someone else to my view. I like it because a person's stand on any issue tells a lot about them.

You can ask a person about themselves and they'll often give you some schlocky cliched goop, telling you what they think you want to hear.

But ask them about a controversial issue and they will either have an opinion, thus revealing an aspect of themselves, or offer none and should therefore be dismissed.

Not professing an opinion means one of at least four things.

1) You are a shallow person that doesn't consider the world outside of your own little circle.

2) You have an opinion but are too afraid to expound on it because its based on bias and prejudice and not on fact (and you know it).

3) You have an opinion but you feel your listener hasn't the intelligence to interpret it.

4) You have an opinion but your lack of refined social skills prevents you from confidently verbalising it (so you write Blogs).

Abortion. I've considered this one for a great many years. It's one of those issues where both sides have legitimate arguments that deserve consideration if not support.

There are some pretty powerful images on the Net. I was going to provide a link, but you can find them, Google Images: Abortion. Not for the squeemish but viewing them does make one sympathetic to "Pro-Lifers".

Extracting a fetus is kinda like tearing apart a well cooked chicken (though not to the same scale).

I'm not stating an opinion on this one, there is just too much grey area for me to make a firm statement. So I am officially sitting on the Fence.

However I will say this:

Abortion and Religion have nothing to do with each other. And if I am swayed at all it's because Fundamental Christians and the Catholic Church are "Pro-Lifers", contaminating that cause.

And whatever they are for I like to be against. So I am leaning that way.