Sunday, December 17, 2006

Blogging with Feeling

I've been trying to get my Blog circulated around a bit and have gone to a few Blogging Sites and have checked out some of the Blogs of others.

Some have pimped themselves out to advertisers, I avoid those at first glance. Some Blogs are really cluttered. I try to keep this one as lean and concise as possible.

A lot of people write about their "feelings". You know that I, contrary to what some might say, have as many "feelings" as the next person.

But it's not my intention to bore you with them.

Because really, outside of a very few close friends and loved one's, who really cares what your feelings are? Are some strangers' feelings in any way relevant to me?


So I try to keep on universal topics, topics that I think everyone has thought about from time to time. That way, even if you disagree with what I write, you'll think for a moment or more about the subject I've brought up.

I think that's what makes my Blog just a little more interesting than a lot of others.