Sunday, December 17, 2006


I've been debating whether or not to post on this subject. There are a lot of prudish people out there that think viewing pictures of explicitly nude young women is somehow immoral.

Everyone's taste is different and I know there are disgusting things out there lurking in the bowels of the Internet or under the bed of some "dirty old man".

I've always thought that it's every man's right to view nude women. Nature made their bodies with male attraction in mind. Whether a man is single or not, he has the right to pornography in one form or another.

Every once in a while you will read a "Dear Ann" or Dear "Whoever is the Wise Woman of Late" complaining bitterly that their husbands are "cheating" on them because they are looking at pictures of naked woman on paper or screen.

Give me a freaking break! Some of these are the same women (and men) who are reading Ann Rice or some other "erotica/smut" author whose pages are laced with incest, child molestation, bestiality, "other" women and the most graphic literary titillation.

And if they aren't doing that they are lusting over a sensually photographed representation of a Pecan Pie in "Woman's World" while shoving Twinkies down their gullets.

Get real!

I am really getting tired of the De-Masculanization of the North American Male!

But that's another post for the future.

So, with that in mind let me guide you to Keith's Eye Candy Blog.

Just a small warning that photos posted on this Blog are of nude women in sexually explicit poses, please be of legal age.

NOTE: Most or all of the photos on the above link are the copywrite property of A&T Kingdom, and/or MET.