Monday, December 04, 2006

Foot In Mouth Apologies

Recently there have been a couple of celebrity faux-pas that were whipped up into a media frenzy.

I'm talking about Mel Gibson's drunken rant and Michael Richards rage against the black hecklers.

Talk about a mountain made from a mole hill.

First, Gibson. The amazing thing about this story is that the actual crime of drinking and driving seems to have taken a back seat to his Tirade against the Jews on the outrage meter.

Let's establish the fact that the real crime was the DUI. Let's all establish another fact that most of us have driven under the influence at one time or another. I say that not to diminish the crime but to make the point that such a crime is all too commonplace and not unusual.

As far as his gibberish about the Jews, well stand up anyone who hasn't made of fool of himself while intoxicated. Yes I now there are a few goody goodies standing now. But the truth is that most of us have spouted our mouths off while drunk and felt pretty sheepish the next day. That's one of the reason I no longer drink alcohol.

Read my post on alcohol.

Mel Gibson is not any one's role model.

Even more amusing to me is the Michael Richards create something from nothing news feast. If it weren't for camera phones and YouTube, no one would gave heard of it.

Tell me, does anyone really care what Michael Richards' racial views are? Does Michael Richards have any influence in our society today?

Yes he insulted the Black Community with use of the word "Nigger". But is the Black Community so insecure and sensitive that that they allow such an insignificant individual as Michael Richards offend them? I find that hard to believe.

I thought is was called "Being Human". Most of us have shot our mouths off at one time or another. Just because they are "celebrities" doesn't mean they should be crucified.

It's another example of the news media sharks. When they grab on to a piece of meat the will rip and tear at it until its totally consumed.