Monday, December 04, 2006

A Special Time of Year?

I'm not a big fan of Christmas, or Thanksgiving, or Easter, or Valentine's Day, or even Haloween.

"Special Days" creep me out and, other than the fact that one gets a day off with pay for some of them, they aren't of much use to me.

If anything they are a detriment to my Routine. As mentioned in previous posts I am a Control Freak and as such I require a daily Routine.

"Special Days" throw a real wrench into my Weekly Rituals, and to be honest, causes me considerable stress. Christmas is the worst because its not just one day, its a whole season. December is a catastrophe for me and I'm double whammied by another "special day" a week later: New Year's Day.

Thanks god for the gap between new Year's and Valentine's Day, six weeks of Bliss!

Were supposed to get togethar with our loved one's every Chritmas, be romantic on Valentines, give Thanks on Thanksgiving (thanks to who?). Do we really need a special day to do that?

For those who have no families, no one to Romance and nothing to give Thanks for, those are pretty awful days.

I think we should have a Special Day for them : Loser's Day