Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Do We Really Need A Zoo?

I like animals as much as the next person. But I'm not fanatical about saving wild animals from Natural Hazards or hospitalizing birds with broken wings.

There is one thing that's always bothered me and that is why do we need to confine wild animals in zoos or other wildlife facilities?

I haven't been to a zoo in a while, I think the last one I entered was in Calgary quite a few years ago. And the image that stays in my mind is that of a Tiger pacing back and forth along the front bars of his small cage.

If this isn't animal cruelty I don't know what is. And there isn't any reason for it. In this day and age of crisp television screens and Internet Information, there is no need to see these animals live and in person.

We can learn everything about them without actually having them stressfully shipped thousands of miles to Zoos throughout North America.

And how much can we learn about these animals when they are in a totally foreign environment and emotionally and physically disabled?

Can we get rid of these Zoos? There is no point to them anymore, if indeed, there ever was.