Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Creative Outlet

One of the Television Shows I have been watching the past year is Orange County Choppers. It's about the Tuttle Family of Orange County, New York and films them as they design and build made-to-order custom motorcycles.

One aspect of the show is the ongoing dysfunctional relationship between Paul Senior and Paul Junior. The conflicts can become intense and even uncomfortable for the viewer. I think that some if not a lot of people watch the show for that reason. Kind of like watching an NHL Hockey game and waiting for a fight to break out.

I can do without the fighting in the hockey games and I can do without the verbal battles on OCC. That's not why I watch the show.

There is something fascinating in watching an idea develop into a tangible creation. And that's what I like about OCC. An idea is formed, pieces of raw metal are brought together, discussions are conducted and in a few days a beautiful functional machine is presented.

Paul Junior is the creative mastermind of these machines and often the camera will pan to his face staring at a barren motorcycle frame. In his eyes you can see the wheels of vision turning.

Everyone has a creative genius within them, a genius that screams to be let out in one form or another. A genius which allows them to proclaim "I did this, this is mine, it has my stamp on it." And I think it gives a person some form of self value.

For myself, I get some pleasure at work in creating displays and maintaining an overall vision of how I want my retail department presented.

It's a limited pleasure because I don't have complete control, I'm constrained by outside forces and random events.

That's the reason I have turned to this Blogging "hobby". I have an idea in my head that I want to communicate in a style both understandable and concise. If I can entertain and amuse, all the better.

For me, each Posting is a creation of an idea that needs to be expressed. When I click the "Publish" button my need, at least for that idea, is satisfied.