Monday, December 04, 2006

The Monarchy and Princess Diana, R.I.P.

I've never been huge on conspiracy theories as some are but there is one that makes some sense although I am not prepared to commit to it. And that is that Princess Diana was murdered.

For a conspiracy to have validity the crime has to be possible and it has to have motive and, of course, involve several people.

It could be that someone nudge nudged and wink winked an MI-5 agent saying "that Diana is causing a lot of problems".

We might never know.

Latest News: Diana's Driver Drunk

I'm a big supporter of the Monarchy. I admire the Queen and think that Prince Charles has gotten a bad rap from the Press and the Public. I would go further to say that Prince Charles is one of the world's great assets. He is multi-talented man concerned about a great many social issues including poverty and the ecology.

For me, the Monarchy represents one of the great Traditions of our western Society. The history of Great Britain is one of the richest in the world and has had a great influence on the way we all think and perceive our world today.

There is no institution that represents the History of Great Britain like the Monarchy does. In this age of social and technological revolution I take great comfort in the traditions that are represented by the Queen and her Royal Family.

We in Canada pay very little for the privilege of calling Elizabeth our Queen. A few dollars here and there for Royal Family visits is a pittance to pay.

Those in Great Britain pay several millions to pay the Queen's bills. About the cost of a few jet fighters or squadron of army tanks. Again, very worth it in my opinion.

Now back to Diana. I have two words : "Good Riddance". This so called Princess did more to undermine and potentially destroy the Monarchy than anyone since Oliver Cromwell.

She was a self-promoting opportunist that put herself ahead, not only of her husband, but of the Queen herself.

I am sure she was scolded a very many times by the rest of the Family and re-schooled on exactly how she was expected to act. Still she wanted to be the Star of the Family when it was not her place to be.

I'm not promoting assassinations but I for one am glad Diana is not around anymore.