Friday, December 08, 2006


I think there are few topics as controversial as this one. You can debate the pros and cons endlessly.

About five years ago I went to the dentist on a Friday afternoon for a routine checkup. Dr. Gray, my dentist at that time here in Kelowna found what he said to be a "loose filling". He wanted to refill it, but not that day. In the meantime, he said, he would take out the loose filling and pack the hole in my tooth with gauze.

I was to see him on Monday.

What's that got to do with Euthanasia? It changed my whole outlook on it and forced me to do an about face.

Because for the next two days I went through sheer agony. A chronic pain unlike I had ever before experienced. A dull throbbing ever present pain. All I could think about was the pain and no amount of Tylenol could relieve it. The pain consumed me, I couldn't sleep, couldn't think of anything but the pain.

If someone would have told me that this pain would be with me for the rest of my life I would have asked to be put down.


Obviously there are other ways of dealing with chronic pain and pain is by no means the only reason for requesting death.

But there are things that no one should be expected to live with if there is little or no hope of relief.

So I am in favour of euthanasia where it is warranted. And that is the problem. Who decides who is to live and die? The inflicted victim? What if he or she is incoherent or emotionally incapable of making that decision. Does Grandpa want Grandma euthanized for her sake or for his, because he is understandably tired of looking after her?

If euthanasia is ever legalised finding a formula for doing the act is going to be a very complex and controversial problem on its own.