Tuesday, November 07, 2006

200 Years From Now

Does anyone know anything about their Great Great Grandparents or even their Great Grandparents? Unless they were famous or infamous for some rare reason, probably not.

Probably a lot of people loved them and respected them, maybe they held a high station in life, were corporate or political leaders, they might have been a lot of great things in their time.

I have a relatively humble position in life, occupation wise. People have actually said to me "Don't you want something better for yourself". And I've thought about it and wondered, why?

Two hundred years from now, no one will ever know that we walked the face of the Earth, no matter what position we were in financially, or socially. In most cases you could reduce that timeline to 100 years or even less.

In order to be remembered, a person has to have accomplished something really great. Lance Armstrong will be remembered forever, so will Winston Churchill and Martin Luther King. For the 99.999% of the rest of us, we'll be forgotten regardless of how great we thought we were or how much we thought we had accomplished.

So it doesn't bother me at all that I am not a CEO or political leader or an artist or athlete of note. In two hundred years we'll all be in the same position, totally forgotten.