Monday, November 06, 2006

Religion (Hopefully some will find this offensive)

Bear in mind that I was raised a Catholic and therefore have a deep seated mistrust of organised religion.

You know there just might be a Supreme Being, after all what came before the Big Bang?
But the belief that this "entity" is judging me or examining my behavior is beyond the ridiculous.

Most religions will tell you their teachings are based in love. The reality is that most want to keep you in a state of ignorance and fear. And their primary directive is to control their "parishioners".

Take a look at the world and all the current conflicts. Most have their roots in conflicting religious beliefs. Beliefs that have no substance. Religion for me is synonymous with hatred, bigotry, hypocrisy and intolerance. It needs to be eliminated (how's that for tolerance and hypocrisy, haha!)

I've thought about religion a lot and for the life of me I can't understand its purpose from an individual's point. Why do people feel the need to believe in a God? I don't get it. There is only one thing to believe in this world and that is: YOURSELF.

I suppose its useful to shed responsibility for one's actions. Sorry to say I always have to laugh when families, stricken with the worst tragedies, say "it was the will of god". Nice god you have there. Glad I don't believe in him/her/it.