Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The "F" Word

You can pretty much divide people into two groups, those that regularly use the F word and those that don't. I'd like to see a television documentary on the origins of the word and why it is so freaking popular. How did it start and how did it gain popularity and most of all, why do some of us use it frequently and others never or almost never?

What's the profile of people that use the word? I use it all the time although I am committed not to do so in this Blog (cause I wanna keep it classy). But I work around some people who never use it, even though they are often exposed to its use.

I can't honestly say why I use the word, it just feels like the right thing to do, like a form of punctuation. Funny thing is, in the presence of certain people I would never use it. You never say it in front of your mother. You don't even have to try not to say it, your mouth won't let you verbalise it. I want to know why.

I know that a lot of very powerful people use the word, from Presidents and Prime Ministers to corporate leaders. But there are just as many who don't.

I've noticed, over the years, that more and more women are using the "F" word.

My own thinking is that the more assertive/aggressive a person is, the more they are likely to use the word. It's just a word, comprised of only four letters, one syllable and yet it can evoke so much emotion and passion and anger.

I think it's an interesting topic and so hence the post.