Monday, November 13, 2006

Retail Pricing

I just got back from visiting the new wing in Orchard Park Mall, here in Kelowna where I live. Among the new stores was Tommy Hilfiger. It's the kind of store whose threshold I would never cross but from a distance I could see they had sections of clothing displayed by price point.

There was a section of $29.99, another of $39.99, another of $49.99 and so on. And, even though the true value of these goods was probably closer to $9.99, I liked the concept. Clarity is bliss.

They should have gone one step further in pricing the sections at $30, $40 and $50. I've been in the retail business since 1979 and have often wondered what the effect would be of rounding out the prices.

Do retailers really think they are fooling the shopping public with this .99 stuff?

My guess is that people would welcome the change and frequent the rebel retailer just for their brass kahunas.

Speaking of Kahunas, when is some heroic lawyer (are there any?) going to take the policy of Senior Discounts to litigation?

It doesn't take a law professor to understand that SENIOR DISCOUNTS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL under the Charter of Rights. It's a clear example of age discrimination.

Why should I pay 5 or 10 or 15% more for the same item than the person who just went through the checkout before me. Just because he was older than I? There is no reason.

There may have been a time when Seniors were at an economic disadvantage (still no excuse), but that has changed. In the city where I live the Seniors represent the wealthiest demographic (and no I don't have proof, I just know it).

They have had all their lives to build up a sound financial foundation for their retirement years. If they haven't they have only themselves to blame.

Let's stop price/age discrimination NOW!