Monday, November 06, 2006

The War On Cars

Let's get one thing straight: People will NEVER give up their cars. No matter how much anti-car legislation is passed or whatever the price of gas. Cars, in one form or another will be around and thriving. They might be electric, they might be fuel-celled, they might even be solar powered, but they will always be here.

So to those law makers that want to stop building or improving our roads, who want to increase the gas taxes (which are already exorbitant) and want us to pedal to work in the snow and want our women to run the gamut of thugs on our public transit, to those I say: PHOOEY ON YOU.

If people want to use public transit, good for them, it means more room on the road for me and my Mustang (yes that is my car in the pic). Just don't discriminate against motorists, after all we are paying the bulk of all transportation costs.