Sunday, November 19, 2006

Why Am I Blogging?

Some people like to hear themselves speak. You know the one's. They can't stop talking and seem unable to read body language.

Surely, you think, they can see your eyes glazing over with boredom. You check your watch, you look around but still they talk.

It wouldn't be so bad if there was a shred of anything interesting coming out of their mouths, no you are trapped until some event breaks up the tedium.

You know I am not much of a talker but I do like to see myself write. Luckily for you dear reader, with a click of a mouse you can bid me goodbye!

If a person is going to speak at least let them start with a topic that might lead to some interesting discussion.

I don't pretend to have all the answers, ok, well maybe I do. Anyway most of the topics I introduce here on this Blog are at least worthy of discussion.

I like to get a point across as briefly and concisely as possible, that's what I'm trying to do here.

If anyone wants to know where I stand on an issue I can always say "read my Blog", it's probably there. I can think of a lot more topics I want to raise and eventually I will, there is no shortage of interesting topics.

These Blogging programs make it so easy to have some kind of presence in cyberspace. If I drop dead tomorrow at least there is some record of me being here.

As of this date I don't think anyone has read anything I have written, but one day someone might and get to thinking about what I have written no matter how simple a thought it was.