Monday, November 06, 2006

"Cowardly" Criminals on Global News

I have some problems with the Global BC newscasters. I like senile Tony Parsons and beautiful Robin Stickley and witty Squire Barnes and fast talking Keith Baldry, the legislative reporter. I hate Catherine Pope though, she's freaking awful.

But why do they always seem to have to qualify the news? I'm talking about describing a criminal as cowardly when he beats up on an old lady ferociously protecting her diamond broach. Or whacking someone's Grandpa over the head to grab his wallet.

Would they be called brave if they attacked a 6'5 28 yr old male, maybe they would be and the crime would be considered less serious.

What goes on in the animal kingdom? Are the lions cowards because they attack the young, the lame and the dying zebras? Seldom will a lion or leopard attack the dominate male in a heard of wildebeest. Why not? Cause it wouldn't make any sense would it?

So lets not call the criminals "cowards", lets just call them criminals.