Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Things Some People Believe

I am constantly amazed at the things many people believe in. I'm not even going to talk about Religions, the biggest scam out there.

Let's talk about two examples: ET/UFO's and Chem Trails. The Belief that we have been contacted in some way by extra-terrestrial intelligence has been around for some time.

It's a popular belief that seems to have sprouted an overall trend toward ignoring scientific facts and believe something just because you want to. The spread of this belief has been aided by pseudo-documentaries on respected Television Networks, presented in such a way that fiction takes precedent over fact.

Even though not one shred of concrete evidence (and I have seen a lot of what's called evidence) indicates any contact or the possibility of any contact with any extra-terrestrial life form.

The physics of travelling the million of light years across space make it almost impossible to conceive of such a feat. Even granting that some other species somewhere out there has scientifically advanced much much exponentially further than us, why would they pick Earth to land on among the billions of stars, planets and solar systems out there?

Finally, assuming these extra-terrestrials have somehow landed on Earth, why would they not make official contact with proper authorities?

It's hilarious and yet so many otherwise sane people believe or are willing to believe something that flies in the face of any sort of logical thought.

Chem Trails. This one is really bizarre but at least it might be scientifically possible. There are some people that believe we are being "treated" to a chemical spray emitted by high flying aircraft. Sponsored by "the Government".

I'm still a bit puzzled as to the reasons but it seems to be some kind of thought control chemical or slow poisoning or something like this. It's so crazy. Like any government could hope to get away with a cover up up a magnitude they would have to have. It's just so crazy.

The real question is why do they want to believe in this stuff? What need is fulfilled by believing it? I have never felt the need so I don't have the answer.

I do have a need to know a truth that is based on fact. I really don't believe in anything that can't be proved to me via an argument based on established fact.

The scary part is that the more solid knowledge we gain about our universe and ourselves the more these bizarre beliefs seem to profligate.